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Certified Yoga School – 6 Red Flags to Avoid

Certified Yoga School

Practicing yoga in a certified yoga school is a dream come true for you. It is completely normal for you to get lost in how the practice makes you feel physically and mentally. Similar to any other form of exercise yoga too carries with itself certain risks that you should keep in mind to avoid any serious injuries.

There are some major red flags you should avoid when practicing various yoga asanas. It helps you gain mastery over the particular yoga pose and reap its full benefits in the long run.

Six Red Flags to Avoid By Certified Yoga School

The first thing a certified yoga school teacher advises you is never to compare yourself with another individual. The time you spent practicing a particular yoga asana has to be more about you reaping the benefits regardless of the level of experience in the yogic arts.

1. Out of Breath at End of Practice

If you have been to any yoga sessions before joining a yoga school then taking deep breaths and long exhales helps links each movement. The deep belly breathing practice helps you link physical practice with the state of mind. The right breathing technique lets you practice some uncomfortable yogic movements with ease.

You learn to handle stressful situations outside the yoga session. A certified yoga school teacher would advise you to practice slow & expansive breathing. Do not ignore this as it can lead to problems in practicing the yoga poses.

2. Your Wrists Hurt

Specific yoga poses require you to have some wrist strength. Unfortunately, you might end up putting all the body weight on the wrists without engaging other muscles and that only leads to a major injury.

Whether you are doing a Downward Dog Pose or the Crow Pose; there are some things you need to keep in mind during the practice. Make sure you stretch both wrists before starting the practice to keep them warm. Spread the fingers wide, especially while doing the Downward Pose. It prepares the wrists for the pressure felt while doing yoga.

Also read: Become Certified Yoga Teacher With Yoga Alliance Certification

3. Underestimating Props

If you are just starting out at a certified yoga school then make sure to use props. A common mistake you might make as a beginner is thinking of the yoga props as a crutch. You should know that even advanced practitioners utilize props to avoid injuries and practice right body alignment.

Performing specific asanas as Pigeon Pose, or half-moon become quite easy with yoga props like blocks, straps, and blankets.

4. Too Eager for Advanced Poses

One major secret to mastering yoga is listening to how the body reacts. You should never stress out any muscle by trying to go for more advanced poses. Do not push yourself past what is comfortable for you.

For example, in a seated forward fold always fold forward with a flat back and stop bending once you reach the limit. If you push too much then there is a high chance of a hamstring or lower back injury during the practice.

Also Read: All About Yoga Instructor Certification

5. Butt and Hamstrings Will go Sore

A common injury that certified yoga school teachers tell you about is the yoga butt that can happen anytime during the practice. If you happen to experience pain through the length of the hamstring especially during stretching during a forward fold or split then it is no doubt a Yoga Butt.

You can suffer from a yoga butt in other ways as pin or needle sensation, on the sides of glutes or calves. It can happen around the bones while you are sitting down. You need to squeeze the glutes and engage the muscles during hamstring stretches.

6. Ignoring Body Alignment

In a yoga session, the right body alignment helps you practice each pose to perfection. The yoga teacher is always there to provide you with cues while performing a particular asana. Listen to the instructions of the yoga school teacher.

The Conclusion

Yoga is a holistic way for you to stay healthy in the long run and develop a better lifestyle. With a certified yoga school as a guide on this path, there is no stopping you from becoming the best version of oneself.

Read More: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training – Complete Guide for Yoga Novice


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